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2,525 Sq ft
MLS# 73221793
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1,452 Sq ft
MLS# 73281353
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1,452 Sq ft
MLS# 73275292
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1,730 Sq ft
MLS# 73327137
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820 Sq ft
MLS# 73325442
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2,525 Sq ft
MLS# 73316431

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Of course, we sell many beautiful properties and our statistics speak for themselves. But it’s not what’s most important - our customers’ satisfaction is always our top priority. See what it really means to buy or sell with us.  

About Us

2021 South Shore Real Producers "Top Producer" click to see the article

2020 #1 Agent in Quincy, MA 

2019 #1 Agent in Quincy, MA 

2018 Best of HomeLight 

2016 Award Winner for 100 Most Influential Agents in Massachusetts 

2016-Present #1 Brokerage in Marina Bay

2016-Present #1 Agent in Marina Bay

2016 #1 Agent in Quincy, MA

Zillow 5 Star Agent

Trulia Best of 2014

Discover the Marina Bay Lifestyle with Brooks Brokerage, the #1 Marina Bay Real Estate Brokerage. Our exclusive focus on Marina Bay sets us apart—we live and breathe this waterfront paradise. With over 500 homes sold, many of them multiple times, our track record speaks for itself.

Why are we the ideal waterfront brokerage? Because we have not only sold, but also built and managed waterfront properties, including the prestigious Atlantic at Marina Bay development. Our expertise goes beyond mere sales; we understand the intricacies and intangibles that living in Marina Bay entails.

While anyone can talk about what they see in a home, we provide you with a deeper understanding. Our in-depth knowledge, gained through years of experience and dedication, allows us to guide you through the unique qualities of each home. From the perfect location and breathtaking views to the optimal floorplan, we help you navigate the overwhelming process of finding your dream home.

We have an unparalleled grasp of the benefits of living in each Marina Bay community. From amenities, parking, and pets to HOA fees, building conditions, and management, we have all the information you need. As a result, many agents and colleagues confidently refer their clients to us, recognizing the value we provide and our ability to exceed expectations.

Every buyer wants to know what makes their potential home exceptional, and we have over 20 years of responses to offer. Our passion for Marina Bay extends beyond selling homes; it's been our dream and dedication for more than 20 years. Selling over 500 homes has given us a competitive edge, delivering superior results for our clients.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to experience the Marina Bay Lifestyle firsthand. Call us today at 617-380-4520 and put our unrivaled expertise to work for you. Let us guide you towards finding your perfect waterfront home in Marina Bay.


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